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Trek Torso Mega Sticker Sheet (TNG-08)

Trek Torso Mega Sticker Sheet (TNG-08)

Regular price £20.00 GBP
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Given the price of custom figures nowadays this sticker sheet offers a fantastic alternative! High quality designs for a range of characters and series, all drawn by our in-house team who are all massive Trekkies! Over 200 stickers on one sheet covering the following series:
Enterprise D Bridge crew (TV series)
Generic TNG era crew
Enterprise E Bridge crew
DS9 early series
DS9 later series
Lower Decks
TOS (Kirk, Spock etc)
The Borg
Klingons / Cardassians / Romulans
The stickers come with a sheet explaining what series the torsos are from and which characters they belong to.

Product details: all stickers are made from high-quality glossy vinyl, printed on a high-end photo quality machine, laminated for extra protection and pre-cut. No prep required on your part - you just peel and stick!

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